Sunday, February 12, 2012

Jekyll and Hyde 2

Making days turn dark and dreary,
Creating an atmosphere that’s mysterious and eerie.
Bringing a sense that evil is around,
In it comes settling low to the ground.

Vision is blurred,
Sounds can hardly be heard.
All happiness is gone,
But feelings of death live on.

Sucking all hope from earth,
Sinful acts are ready for birth.
Everything good seems to be hidden,
Yet shining brightly is everything forbidden.

Thoughts vanish, along with control,
Minds get lost, in this black hole.
Shadowing over love and joy,
Here lies the fog, ready to destroy.

Authors Note: While reading I noticed that many times fog was present during the times when bad things were happening or when somebody evil was around. It inspired me to write this poem about the impact of fog.


  1. Hey Brad, I don't know if it's my computer, but I dont see anything under fog.

  2. Sorry I was having some problems with posting I guess but it should be up now.
